Design Folio | Logo Folio

  Me: Logo critic, icon fan, fishing town lifer, cockle lover, bitter drinker, ale taster, suffering iron, championship visitor, fair
weather pedaller, downhill free wheeler, cat owner, dog walker
  My Story:
1. Comic reading, doodling and cartoon creations
2. Still fruit, naked bodies, fine art, design foundation
3. Cold called, accepted, earnt DipHE in design
4. One of three cherry picked for degree course
5. Page layout after page layout as commercial junior
6. Hired by by ex-pupil of Wolf Ollins
7. Five year run and a logos in lights
8. Freelanced the bright lights of London
9. Invitation into Sports Marketing
9. Sole promotion of their sponsorship
10. Six years of k
nown brands and my own
  I am, I want, I do  
  Designer who sketches ideas over the sports pages on his commute.
Wants that Cadbury chocolate feeling when he thinks of that genius
idea. Needs to turn over that widow, thinks it's very lazy if he didn't.
Does not tinker with a companies brand, it's there to do what it say's
on the tin. Proud to head his present design department.
  Client logos I have featured   How the years have been spent  
  Event marketing and brand management
  Product and sponsorship implementation and activation
BA Hons Retail B2B B2C Freelance Sponsorship
Years I have been
working in design
Clients I have
worked for
Effort I apply
to a brief
Years I have
been creative
Pieces of collateral
produced in 2011
Effort I apply
to tea club
  Things i like  
Social Media
Digital Awareness
Brand Management
Look and Feel
Studio Management
Client Liason
Large Scale Literature
Project Management
Identity Creation
Sales Promotion
  Things i know  
I know when a job is done.
Rather i know when it's sufficent to meet the standards required. Past that you are wasting time.

I know when a job is done.
Rather i know when it's sufficent to meet the standards required. Past that you are wasting time.

I know when a job is done.
Rather i know when it's sufficent to meet the standards required. Past that you are wasting time.
1997 2001 2005 2009 2012